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Ing. Jakub Slavík, MBA – Consulting Services

About Us

We are a Czech family consultancy focused on expert services for intelligent transport systems, smart cities and other related subjects for Czech or foreign clients. As a part of our services, we can offer management training, especially for participants with engineering backgrounds.

Established in early 2012, we base our business upon the consultants’ British qualification, professional background in public transport and electrical engineering as well as on their thirty year experience in railway management, management consulting and training and technological media operation.

In parallel with our consultancy, we operate a Czech web portal www.proelektrotechniky.cz focused on new projects and technologies in electrical engineering, electro-mobility, power generation and automation worldwide. Our web is reputable within the local electrical engineering and transport professional community, thus helping us to promote our consulting services as well as to be up to date about the development in our business.

We are partners to the Czech Transport Operator Association in the Electro-mobility Working Committee, focused on electric transit development (especially electric buses) in Czech cities.

We also maintain a network of other professional and media partnerships with major industry players, universities and trade associations such as the Czech Hydrogen Technological Platform, the Association for Infrastructure Development or the Czech Association of MBA Schools. We are also networked to other Czech and international engineering and financial consultancies, and thus able to deliver professional services tailor made precisely to the client’s needs.

As subscribers to the European Electro-mobility Observatory (EEO), we keep the international professional community up-to-date about the local situation in electro-mobility and vice versa, we can immediately inform the Czech professional public about the latest news and development in European electro-mobility.

The Team Professional Experience

Sample projects

Clean mobility in a smart city. A training session for the Ministry of Regional Development with municipalities and municipal services as the target group, delivered as a turnkey project.

Opportunity study for smart technologies. Ultimate client:  Prague 4 urban district. Analysing opportunities and risks for implementation of e-mobility, autonomous minibuses, car sharing, waste collection rationalisation, and air sensors.

Electric bus analysis. Ultimate client: Prague 3 urban district. Expert services to the Czech Technical University in the project of prospective electric midibus operation in Prague.

Effective electro-mobility in organisations. Conferences focused on the passenger and utility electric vehicles and their use in private and public organisations.

Electric bus procurement support. Advisory services to Ostrava Transport Company (DPO) about optimum business model for opportunity charged battery electric buses.

Znojmo alternative bus project. Ultimate client: ZDS Psota, the public transit operator in the town Znojmo. The supplier market research for battery electric buses and the expert leadership in the feasibility study and cost-benefit analysis of a public transit project comprising the procurement of CNG buses and battery buses.

Smart city in practice. Development and delivery of a conference focused on the smart city concept practical implementation for municipalities and public service organisations.

Mariánské Lázně electric transit study. Ultimate client: Mariánské Lázně Municipality (Marienbad). The supplier market research for battery buses and battery trolley-buses plus the project financial and socio-economic assessment as parts of a pre-feasibility study for electric transit development in the spa town and the surrounding area.

E-STANDARD. Client: The Czech Urban Transport Association. Expert support to the initiative focused on joint approach and voluntary standardisation in electric bus opportunity charging technologies

Prague metro D line feasibility study. Ultimate client: The Prague Transport Company. CBA methodologist in the feasibility study prepared for possible EU co-funding.

Smart city Písek. Ultimate client: The City of Písek. Expert services in the preparation of a smart city strategy in the historic Czech town Písek.

Prague tram supercapacitor energy storages. Ultimate client: The Prague Transport Company. Team leading and research activities in a study for possible implementation and funding of energy saving devices for urban transport.

Electric bus innovation project support. Client: EKOVA ELECTRIC. Business consulting support to innovation project preparation within the national R&D programmes EPSILON and POTENCIAL. The EPSILON sponsored project has been focused on electric bus and charging technology development including the system optimisation. The POTENCIAL sponsored project supports the related R&D processes and technology by the client.      

Urban Transport E-mobility (2013 and 2015) – an electric bus study. Client: Czech Urban Transport Association. A comprehensive study of electric buses with battery and fuel cell powertrains, diesel hybrids and trolley-buses in terms of their current state and development trends in the Czech Republic and abroad. The results are presented in various conferences including the European Transport Congress 2013; first issue in 2013, updated in 2015

Electric buses for a City – series of conferences focused on electric bus technologies and funding possibilities delivered as turnkey projects including organisation and lecturing.  

Integrated transport system and smart city concept support. Client: The Czech Technology Agency. Multiple expert activities: Independent expert for evaluation of a research proposal focused on establishing integrated systems in public passenger transport. Member of the steering committee in a research project focused on the smart city concept application.

Prague-Kladno/Airport Rail Link CBA Review. Expert services for a rail project feasibility study to assure the cost-benefit analysis comprehensiveness in terms of the project economic benefits   

Bishkek Public Transport Project – Corporate Development of Bishkek Trolleybus Company (Kyrgyzstan). Client: EBRD. External specialist to the GMCS/Keystone Engineering. Preparation of the Business and Marketing Plan for the public transport company; consulting services for the Public Service Contract and the corporate development.   

Kragujevac (Serbia) trolley-bus study. Client: Metroprojekt/CzechAid. Independent expert. Financial and socio-economic project assessment and business concept for a proposed trolley-bus operation.

CD Cargo review. Client: Ministry of transport; Czech Republic. Project management and expert support in an independent review of the proposed restructuring programme for Czech Railway’s freight business.

Prague railways development. Client: Czech Railways. Transport business consultancy for the proposed national railway’s subsidiary operating Prague urban and suburban trains  

Emergency and safety management in urban transport. Client: Prague Transport Company. Multiple projects for the emergency planning and safety management procedures and organisational structure.

Management Training for power plant maintenance. Clients: CEZ and Skoda Power. Co-ordination of management training as a part of consulting services focused on power plant maintenance rationalisation

Adaptive maintenance in power sector. Client: CEZ. Expert support to British consultants implementing risk based maintenance scheme and the related organisational changes in Czech coal fired power plants; liaising activities between international and local experts

Management Training for Croatian Utilities. Client: USAID/HEP. Client: USAID/HEP. Project manager. Development and delivery of a management training programme focused on electricity industry liberalisation and privatisation and new approaches to operational management, combining classroom presentations and site visits in Scotland and in the Czech Republic

Hilson partnership support. Client: Hilson Wire Products, Manchester, UK. Expert services for a strategic partner search and assessment in the Czech Republic and for the partnership initial stage

Our publications

Jakub Slavík: Electric Buses in Urban Transport—The Situation and Development Trends – Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, Volume 2, Number 1, David Publishing, New York, USA, 2014, ISSN 2328-2142

Jakub Slavík: Marketing a strategické řízení ve veřejných službách (Public Service Marketing and Strategic Management) – implementation of business management methods and tools for effective and customer-oriented public services; published by Grada Publishing, Prague 2014; ISBN 978-80-247-4819-1

Jakub Slavík: Finanční průvodce nefinančního manažera (Financial Guide to a Non-Financial Manager) – an introduction into corporate and project finance focused on managers without financial qualification; published by Grada Publishing, Prague 2013; ISBN 978-80-247-4593-0

Jakub Slavík: Z inženýra manažerem (A Manager from an Engineer) – an introduction to principal managerial skills and disciplines focused on readers with technical backgrounds; published by FCC Public Praha, 2010; ISBN  978-80-86534-16-9

The Contact

Ing. Jakub Slavík, MBA – Consulting Services


K podjezdu 596/18

251 01 Říčany u Prahy

Czech Republic

Tel. +420 323 631 119 Mobile: +420 777 078 602

Skype: jakub-slavik

E-mail: slavik.jakub@volny.cz, info@proelektrotechniky.cz


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Copyright © 2012 – 2025 Ing. Jakub Slavík, MBA – Consulting Services